In 2015, she was nominated and won an REB Award for Teaching Excellence. According to their website:
"Established in 1988, the R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence recognizes public school teachers who distinguish themselves by their inspiring classroom performance. The program is based on the belief that a positive educational experience at the elementary, middle and high school levels helps children form positive life-long habits toward learning and discipline."
Through a nomination process, approximately 15 outstanding teachers are selected each year to receive cash grants to support professional development activities. Award recipients have earned graduate degrees, climbed mountains, traced their ancestors and met peers from around the world - all to reignite their own passion for learning and to pass it on to their students.Teresa's proposal was to improve research and writing instruction by traveling to England, France, Germany and Italy to study ancestral culture and history. This blog is part of her proposed dissemination proposal. You can also follow her via Instagram @tacolerva